Not exactly a recipe but I love the "Rose"and decided to share a little. This is a little history of the rose and the meanings behind the colors. The meanings have changed through time and can carry a different meaning when coupled with a different color or even flower.
The rose began as a simple but perfect flower in the dawn of creation. Roses had five petals – they remained 5 petaled throughout pre-history. The simple, single, sweetly-scented rose is the essence of the rose – a thing of beauty – a joy - hardy- healthy protected by thorns. This variety is what we call today the "Wild Rose". In Crete , there are Frescoes dated 1700BC illustrating a rose with five petaled pink blossoms. Discoveries of tombs in Egypt have unveiled wreaths made with flowers, including the rose. The wreath in the tomb of Hawara dates to about 170 AD. This is a representation of the oldest preserved record of a rose species still living.I personally feel that God has given a history to the rose that runs similar to that of the human race.
Throughout the history of civilization, no other flower has been so immortalized and woven into daily life as the rose. Poetry to music, from festivitivals to wars, Mother’s Day to Valentine’s Day, and birth to death, the rose has held a unique symbolic role. The symbolism alone has filled more than a book or two. Below is a simple chart of the meaning of the colors. Please note that Black and Purple roses are not naturally grown though I could have missed a new variety.
Red Love, beauty, courage and respect
White Purity and innocence, silence or secrecy, also reverence and humility
Pink Appreciation,"Thank you", grace, perfect happiness, and admiration
Dark Pink Appreciation, gratitude
Light Pink admiration, sympathy
Yellow Joy, gladness, friendship, delight, the promise of a new beginning
Orange Desire, and enthusiasm
Purple/Lilac enchantment and desire
Black, Death
Red and White Given together, these signify unity.
Red Rosebud A symbol of purity and loveliness
White Rosebud Symbolic of girlhood
Thornless Rose Signifies "Love at first sight".
Single Long Stemmed Rose, Passion, Love Forever
Now for my nickname~
My initials are S.L.K. ~Silky, Soft~How my children and friends describe me, Rose~The simple Biblical meaning and what the flower has meant to me.
God Bless,
Silky aka Sheri
The links are for an Organic Cookbook!
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