Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pets, Dogs and kids...

I appreciate the emails and messages! I needed the extra love this week! I'm fine. It has just been one of those weeks.
I'm not Catholic but I love this tradition. The ceremony of blessing animals honors St. Francis. He believed that living a life of peace included living in harmony with all God’s creatures. He believed that our pets were a blessing from God and that we needed to give thanks for them. In fact, his main theological inspiration came from animals. He viewed them as living examples of spiritual integrity, blessing them and striving to understand and connect with them.  St. Francis said, “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who deal likewise with their fellow men.”

I found this legend about St. Francis. A wolf was terrorizing the town of Gubbio. It was devouring both animals and people. The entire town was afraid to stray beyond the town walls. Hunting parties were formed. The town became determined to kill the wolf before the wolf killed them. St.  Francis convinced the people that the wolf’s hunger was the cause of his behavior. He met with the wolf, blessed it and said, “Brother Wolf, you have done great harm to this town, not only destroying other creatures without mercy, but you even have the brazenness to kill and devour people, made in the image of God. You deserve severe punishment, but I want to make peace between you and the town, so that they will not be harmed by you anymore. Nor will they want to harm you. After they have forgiven you, neither men nor dogs will pursue you anymore.” The wolf agreed. He raised his paw as a sign. St. Francis continued, “I promise that the town will feed you every day. I know that what you did, you did out of hunger.” The town promised to do what the saint had bargained and adopted the wolf and fed him until the day he died.

The bond between human being and pet is a strong one. Pets provide companionship and affection. They can be helpers and workmates. They have even been known to be life-savers. It is no wonder that people value the opportunity to take their animals to church for a special blessing.
These ceremonies are a fabulous way to celebrate St. Francis's compassionate appreciation for all creatures. An appreciation that we should all share and an appreciation stemming from the bond of being God’s creations.
I wasn't able to find any listings for Churches doing this in the Wheeling Area. Pastor Michael Palmer is planning a time at Greggsville United Methodist Church, to check the date and times phone 304-232-0861.

Instead of a recipe I thought I'd do the top 10 reasons why a dog is better that a child. This is just for fun!

1. Dogs don’t ask you for money
2. Dogs love nap time 3. Dogs don’t need their own cell phone
4. Dogs don't care what's for dinner just that there is dinner.
5. Dogs can be housetrained in weeks.
6. Dogs don’t have to have the latest fashions
7. Dogs never grow out of being hugged and kissed in front of their friends
8. Dogs are not embarrassed by what you wear in public.
9. Dogs don’t constantly ask you “Why”
10. Dogs can be ready to leave the house in 5 seconds flat.


1 comment:

  1. I had to share this on my facebook page. I love the ten reasons. Made me laugh. Thanks for writing this.
