Friday, September 7, 2012

Edgington Lane Grade School...Homeroom Mothers and Parties

Some fabulous pictures have been posted from our grade school days...I didn't arrive at Edgington Lane until 2nd grade so I didn't have that rumored torturous first grade teacher. I had heard about her and always avoided her with a passion. Rumors of kids tied to chairs, and taped mouths simply petrified me. A week or so ago I made a phone call and was flooded with memories from the past. The beautiful voice on the other end brought back memories of our grade school parties. She was one of the few homeroom moms that knew my terrible secret. I was allergic to chocolate. Even more impressive she always remembered. Unlike the parties our kids have today our parties were an opportunity for the Moms to out do the Moms in the other classrooms. I remember that they were the entire afternoon. We had cake, ice cream, cookies, candy, and played games. I dreaded when my Mom wasn't homeroom mother. The moms that noticed when I wasn't eating the delicious choclate treats would single me out and try to make it right. They were being kind but I usually was embarassed. The voice on the other end of the phone was the one mom besides my Mom and Mrs. Rosenberg, that always remembered that I couldn't eat chocolate. These moms always went the extra mile to ensure that we didn't have a completely chocolate party! It was a wonderful voice to hear and brought back such sweet memories. So many wonderful memories of our grade school! Please share your memories.....

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