Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sharing...not always a good thing!

We love to share with folks. We love when folks share with us. I love when my children share with each other. I love when they share with others.

We have so many ways to share in today's world. We can share by google. We can share on facebook. We can share through snail mail or email. We can share our thoughts on facebook with our friends and family on our phones. We can tweet and linknd. I have never tweeted but I hear its the best way to share up to date news.

I like sharing recipes. I like when others share recipes with me. We share thoughts and memories. We share time together. My congregation shares worship with me every week.

One particular thing I'd really rather NOT have shared but over the years I have found my children share this easily and fequently...The flu. Alex returned to school today. His shared germs are going back to bed after taking more meds. And yes I have comfort clothing on, ratty sweatshirt and flannel pj bottoms.

Jess, Rick or Dee, this is the link to the recipe for Chicken Crescent Rolls you wanted.


  1. Glad you didn't share details of your symptoms! Rest and feel better! Cheers to a fast recovery! !

  2. Nah, I detest reading about details of illness. I think the word "FLU" tells it all.
